Link to Gateway CTC online learning product page
Gateway CTC Skills U Program PLC 2019-2021
The purpose of this project is to introduce our adult students to the most common learning platform (LMS) they’ll encounter as college students at GCTC in hopes that the transition to post-secondary learning is smoother. Learning modules were designed for math, reading, and social studies.
Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay.



Access to Blackboard is necessary since this is the platform on which our product is based. A working relationship with your college e-learning team is a must. A team with a solid working relationship, assigned roles and expectations, is necessary. Would recommend starting a project of this nature after a crisis is over.



Students in the GED+ program are targets for this effort. Gina DeWard has created promotional videos for GED+ to share with students ahead of their CCN appointments to increase interest in GED+ and to provide information about the program. Students who are enrolled in Blackboard are tracked by the program.


    1. Contact the college/fiscal agent e-learning team or its equivalent to gauge and troubleshoot Blackboard access by AE students. Collaborate on a workaround if necessary.
    2. Create a timeline for completion of various modules.
    3. Assign roles and expectations for learning assignments.

Blank Documents for Replication


Sample Timeline for Math/RLA (yearlong timeframe)

Sample Timeline for Social Studies (compressed timeframe)


Click the three dots (upper right corner) and then select “Download” for the following HyperDoc lessons GCTC used with their Blackboard course:

      1. Slavery/Abolitionists/Underground Railroad
      2. PowerPoint Lesson on Spies and Rebels
      3. PowerPoint Lesson on The Industrial Revolution and Benedict Arnold



One issue we encountered was the lack of acceptance of out-of-network email addresses by Blackboard. We were able to circumvent this issue by first starting with our GED+ students.


E-learning personnel recommends that AE students complete a student application for GCTC, which assigns them an email address and student ID number ahead of a permanent fix.


Gateway’s instructional technologist left his position early in the semester, but a replacement has been recently assigned to his position and can now begin uploading material.



Everyone worked together to onboard this project, with weekly meetings and dedication of staff–each for his/her own portion, with ownership being taken by all staff members.


The process of “digesting” what is on the GED via pulling in content in a new way has been valuable.


Creation and review of the material in the second year was very smooth, with only a few minor edits noted, because of the experience gained in completing the process the previous year.

Results of Product

Introduction to GED+Plus

A GED® Success Story: Kelsey Herindon